The influence of the media on our lives and its relationship to politics and economics


by Said El marda

"Don't Look Up" is about how much of our lives we spend consuming the meaningless noise of media -- news and social media -- and trying to keep up with standards foisted on us by capitalism.
Two American astronomers are met with skepticism and indifference from the media and the internet-at-large to their devastating discovery that a humongous comet will hit and decimate Earth, but everyone seems to have other priorities.

There may be some current event topics that this film discuss It like capitalism, commercialism, fake news, disdainful politicians, censoring opposition voices, the country's ideological divide, and billionaire space travel wannabes like Elon Musk and Richard Branson.

It also highlights what political events and a world pandemic can do to sew dissension and distrust in all directions. The picture mocks itself for what it is, a brutal examination of where we've come to in the twenty first century amid all the distractions to real life that can possibly be imagined.

Accurate examination of the warped priorities and agendas of the people who have the largest control over our lives. Politicians care more about how something will impact their polling numbers than saving mankind, the media cares more about finding something slanderous on a person than alerting people to imminent destruction, talk shows care more about sensationalism, the personal lives of vapid pop stars and on putting on a happy face than on news that actually matters to people, corporate opportunists who use even a planet-destroying disaster to make a profit and in so doing increase the danger (and how the politicians fall in line behind them).

It is all quite chillingly accurate and plausible: from experience you can relate to the misguided, self-absorbed agendas of these institutions and individuals and the powerlessness and irritation you feel in having to deal with them and their decisions.

It is so close to home that it sometimes makes the film irritating to watch: you'd rather not be reminded how incompetent, superficial, self-servicing and nefarious the government, media... etc are, how they screw up your life on a regular basis and how likely it is that they will eventually wipe out mankind.


  1. In your article, you dealt with an important topic, which is neglecting facts and promoting some regressive topics. A very wonderful article.

  2. Today, we really think we are consuming the media, but the fact is that we are consumed by the media. Among them, passive consumption of fake news, agenda setting, stereotype and so on.-------Zhang Jiahui(Lucas)


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